Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to make money with Instagram Shoutouts

make money with instagram shoutouts

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks, and as you may or may not know it has the best potential to make money out of it.

If you don't have an instagram account click here to make one.

Many of you may know that this social network is all about photo and video sharing but it is also used for influencer's.Influencer is a person who usually has lot of followers on his account, and he uses those followers to monetize his or her earnings.

How to make money on Instagram ? 

Well if you already have more than 10,000 followers you can already start making money from there.
Correct, it requires some hard work on starting up, but that will prove how passionate you are about money.

There are a few ways to make money from your account.
First one is selling your account to someone, this can make you a couple of bucks.Personally i don't recommend this option.Its like real estate you have two options one to sell or to rent your property.If you like to have money in hand you can go on and sell, but if you like the stable passive income you can keep your instagram and monetize it with other options.

Second way is to sell Instagram Shoutouts.We gonna talk about this in this article.

Third way is to post CPA offers and make money from visitor's converting(do not do this, it will ruin your account).This is also a good way to make money but it requires huge amount of accounts.I will make an article about this soon enough to explain.

How to sell Instagram account?

If you have 50 000 or 100 000+ followers on your account you can sell it for some nice money.
Price its not fixed so it all depends on your account.My friend sold a 8k cars account for 100$.

Where to sell my account ? 

You can sell your accounts on or SocialTradia for a decent price.

So, should i sell my account? 

As i mentioned above i do not recommend selling your account, beacause price is just too low, you probably spent few weeks on that account and you will make maybe 200$ there.
One more reason why you shouldn’t sell account is simple, you can make tons of money from Instagram Shoutouts from that account!

What is Instagram Shoutout ? 

Image result for people shout out
Instagram Shoutout its one of the best ways to make money online at this moment.I really recommend if you are a starter in making money online.
If you don't know what Instagram shooutout is i will explain it below : 

"Lets say you have a watch company and you are trying out different forms of marketing, one of them is instagram shoutouts, basically you find pages in instagram that are built around a specific niche (in our case watches,luxury etc).You find a big page and pay them to post a picture of your watch with your page username in the description @watches.wowow. They will get good money, you will get customers because first of all people follow that page because they post content that they like(watches).
So shoutout its when you pay someone to share your content in their page for a specific price."

How much money can i make out of this? 

Prices its once again not fixed, as everything depends on the quality of the page, how much followers they have , how much likes they get, activity and how much time you want your content to stay on their page. 
I saw a lot of shoutouts being sold for 0.5$ per 1000 followers.
If we follow this anology if you have 100,000 followers you can sell a shoutout for 50$.
My friends runs an fitness account with a followers 1.2 Million followers  and he sells a 24 hour shoutout for 300$.

How much money can i make monthly ? 

Lets say you are my friend and you have 1.2 million followers on your account.I recommend you to sell a 24 hour every 3 days, to keep your followers interested in your page. Lets break it down you can sell a shout out twice in a week.Eight times a month.Now 8*300= 2400$.Now you can use that money for your personal interest or you can put it back in your account by buying other shoutouts for your account.

Let’s say you have 5 accounts, 2 with 100 000 followers and 3 with 40 000 followers. 
I would not recommend you to post more than one shoutout in 3 days on your account. So if you make 0.5$ per 1000 followers, you will make 160$ when you post shoutout on your 5 accounts. 

If you post shoutouts every 3 days you will post them 10 times per month and you will make 1600+$. 

This is really great money, and you can make it in few hours of work every day.

Where can i sell shoutouts ? 

There are many websites online that you can sell instagram shoutouts, but i suggest you to try them one by one so you know which one will work for your.Also don't forget that you 


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