Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to make money with blogging.

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Blogging is very popular now days.But in order to start from scratch it requires a lot of time and knowledge.Not to mention that you need to constantly fill your blog with traffic,and that traffic is really hard to obtain.Best ways are if you already have a social media audience(meaning you will bring traffic from social media to blog) or you can do SEO(Search Engine Optimization) where you need to put a lot of effort in order to rank for a specific keyword in search engine.

Since our blog focus is in earning money,if you are starting out with blogging you will find it very hard to make money out of it,since most of ad networks(like AdSense) require lots of UV(UNIQUE VISITOR'S) to your web,before you can proceed with monetizing. 

But how can i make money with blogging than ?

And so,i would like to introduce to you a social media platform where you can make real money with blogging.Its called steemit.com and its a cryptocurrency platform.Its simple as that you make money by writing,articles.In fact not only articles you can post whatever  you like  e -article,pictures,YouTube video etc (As long are you are following their rules).

The system is simple ,each user has what its called Voting Power,which is their holding of the STEEM cc.Every user has the ability to vote and depending on their voting power their vote will give you any amount of money starting from few cents to hundred of dollars.

I am a regular blogger there myself and my account name is @owyea ,some tips i can give you for startup is to focus on popular tags like news,bitcoin,trading etc.Promote your post in steemit chat,facebook groups ,forum  etc .Also dont overdo it with hashtags,becasue you can easily get downvoted.
Image result for steemit banner
Build your follower base first ,when you start out you don't have follower base so you post wont be seen that much,that's why promoting is the way to go Upvote other people post and they will upvote yours in return.Make new connections,everyone loves a friendly guy,make some friends and they will come to upvote you

To sum up,your income is defined by the amount of upvotes that your article receive.But not everyone will give you the same amount of money.It all depends on the person voting power.The pay per article every 24 hours , and your funds will be transfered to your waller,where you can cash out anytime.


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