Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to make money with Instagram Shoutouts

How to make money with Instagram Shoutouts

make money with instagram shoutouts

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks, and as you may or may not know it has the best potential to make money out of it.

If you don't have an instagram account click here to make one.

Many of you may know that this social network is all about photo and video sharing but it is also used for influencer's.Influencer is a person who usually has lot of followers on his account, and he uses those followers to monetize his or her earnings.

How to make money on Instagram ? 

Well if you already have more than 10,000 followers you can already start making money from there.
Correct, it requires some hard work on starting up, but that will prove how passionate you are about money.

There are a few ways to make money from your account.
First one is selling your account to someone, this can make you a couple of bucks.Personally i don't recommend this option.Its like real estate you have two options one to sell or to rent your property.If you like to have money in hand you can go on and sell, but if you like the stable passive income you can keep your instagram and monetize it with other options.

Second way is to sell Instagram Shoutouts.We gonna talk about this in this article.

Third way is to post CPA offers and make money from visitor's converting(do not do this, it will ruin your account).This is also a good way to make money but it requires huge amount of accounts.I will make an article about this soon enough to explain.

How to sell Instagram account?

If you have 50 000 or 100 000+ followers on your account you can sell it for some nice money.
Price its not fixed so it all depends on your account.My friend sold a 8k cars account for 100$.

Where to sell my account ? 

You can sell your accounts on or SocialTradia for a decent price.

So, should i sell my account? 

As i mentioned above i do not recommend selling your account, beacause price is just too low, you probably spent few weeks on that account and you will make maybe 200$ there.
One more reason why you shouldn’t sell account is simple, you can make tons of money from Instagram Shoutouts from that account!

What is Instagram Shoutout ? 

Image result for people shout out
Instagram Shoutout its one of the best ways to make money online at this moment.I really recommend if you are a starter in making money online.
If you don't know what Instagram shooutout is i will explain it below : 

"Lets say you have a watch company and you are trying out different forms of marketing, one of them is instagram shoutouts, basically you find pages in instagram that are built around a specific niche (in our case watches,luxury etc).You find a big page and pay them to post a picture of your watch with your page username in the description @watches.wowow. They will get good money, you will get customers because first of all people follow that page because they post content that they like(watches).
So shoutout its when you pay someone to share your content in their page for a specific price."

How much money can i make out of this? 

Prices its once again not fixed, as everything depends on the quality of the page, how much followers they have , how much likes they get, activity and how much time you want your content to stay on their page. 
I saw a lot of shoutouts being sold for 0.5$ per 1000 followers.
If we follow this anology if you have 100,000 followers you can sell a shoutout for 50$.
My friends runs an fitness account with a followers 1.2 Million followers  and he sells a 24 hour shoutout for 300$.

How much money can i make monthly ? 

Lets say you are my friend and you have 1.2 million followers on your account.I recommend you to sell a 24 hour every 3 days, to keep your followers interested in your page. Lets break it down you can sell a shout out twice in a week.Eight times a month.Now 8*300= 2400$.Now you can use that money for your personal interest or you can put it back in your account by buying other shoutouts for your account.

Let’s say you have 5 accounts, 2 with 100 000 followers and 3 with 40 000 followers. 
I would not recommend you to post more than one shoutout in 3 days on your account. So if you make 0.5$ per 1000 followers, you will make 160$ when you post shoutout on your 5 accounts. 

If you post shoutouts every 3 days you will post them 10 times per month and you will make 1600+$. 

This is really great money, and you can make it in few hours of work every day.

Where can i sell shoutouts ? 

There are many websites online that you can sell instagram shoutouts, but i suggest you to try them one by one so you know which one will work for your.Also don't forget that you 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

5 Gig Sites to work as a Freelancer !

5 Gig Sites to work as a Freelancer !

top 25 freelance websitesThe rise of the freelance economy is on the growth.Internet has changed the way we live, we get information and even the way we work for our self ! 
You know you can earn quite a good amount of money by doing things that you are good at for people online?

Whether you are looking to make some extra money, turn a hobby into a side job  or go freelance full-time, there are a couple of sites which will help you get started.


Aimed at web projects for marketers, SEO specialists, and software engineers, People Per Hour works to streamline the process of freelancing by organizing communication and payments as well as job management. Freelancers can send 15 proposals to clients for free before they will need to sign up for a paid plan, but freelancers can browse jobs and get notified for new openings at no cost. It is worth checking out for those who are focused on completing any type of web focused project.

This sort of works in the opposite way that traditional platforms do. Freelancers create their own jobs based upon what they are good at, rather than companies posting jobs that freelancers can apply for. Freelancers are able to market their services to companies, and are able to put their gigs into categories by using keywords that show up in different searches. The names comes from the idea that the freelancers will start their prices at $5 per project. This is not a requirement, just the starting point for their prices.
Show off your past work while being given access to new jobs every day. You will also be able to see how much a company has spent using Guru's freelancer pool—helping to make a decision about whether or not the client will be a good match to your work. Choose jobs by location, category, or job type (hourly or fixed).


Toptal is mostly for freelancers that have a lot of work under their belt. There is a screening process that needs to be completed and passed in order to gain access to great clients with substantive projects along with competitive compensation. The community of Toptal freelancers holds unique technological events and community gatherings. Do know that Toptal only accepts the top 3% of applicants who are tested and interviewed, making their pool of talent highly valuable.

This site boasts over 1.5 million clients, and there are jobs for every type of freelancer that you could imagine that last short term and long term. Work can be done as hourly or per project, and anyone whose skill level is entry level to expert can find something that fits their need. Because of the vast availability of work, it is likely that anyone can find work through this platform. When work is completed, funds are safely transferred from client to freelancer.

5 Best Micro Jobs Sites

5 Best Micro Jobs Sites

Microjobs are small tasks that can completed easily.Microjobs are usually provided by companies or individual which can create tasks that need to be completed.Taks are different starting from writing,video transcription,searching in google for a specific term ,survey etc.Most of micro jobs pay you small amounts so if you are looking for a daily 10$ income definitely take a look! The amount of money you are going to make will totally depend on you.Below you can find 5 micro jobs sites which can pay you well,and the list does not include a gig site.You can read about gig sites in this article.


I have used this site myself when i started out,and i am satisfied how rewarding they are.You can complete different surveys,translate texts,Web Research,Google Term Search, and other tasks to get money.Tasks you see depend on your profile,so you need to fill your profile with as much information as possible.You can receive payments with Paypal or Bank Transfer weekly.

2.Online Micro Jobs

Different from Clickworker,Online Micro Jobs provide workers with a wide range of tasks,you can even get paid for subscribing a channel in YouTube.Over 700 Jobs currently available.Their system also allows you to earn MicroBucks and then transfer it to cash.They give you a 1$ bonus on sign up and minimum payment is 10$.


Currently has over 500 tasks available.Most of tasks on this website are about transcribing audio or video recordings, identifying objects in photographs or videos, or creating written content,downloading eBooks,registering on websites etc.Minimum withdraw can be done on 10$ with Paypal.

4.Amazon MTurk 

The mother of Micro jobs sites.Currently it has 200,000 Hits available.It will take a couple of days to get your account activated,but after that there are so many jobs you can do.They pay with bank transfer or amazon gift card.


With around one million workers around the whole world.Include a lot of features such as Multiple, Continuous Jobs,auto submission and more.One difference from other micro jobs sites is that you have to enter your real name and mailing address so they send you a pin before getting started.You can withdraw at a minimum of 9$ with Skrill or Paypal.If your account is not activated you have to wait 30 days to withdraw.Once your account is activated you can withdraw twice a week. 

With all of those sites you can earn 10$/day.However most of those sites requires some tip of proof after you have completed the task for legitimacy and non-scam.However a little tip is to never complete a survey or a task that ask for your credit card.
That's it for this article.Are you part of any online micro jobs sites? Do you have any other alternative to those sites? Leave it in the comment ! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to make money with blogging.

How to make money with blogging.

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Blogging is very popular now days.But in order to start from scratch it requires a lot of time and knowledge.Not to mention that you need to constantly fill your blog with traffic,and that traffic is really hard to obtain.Best ways are if you already have a social media audience(meaning you will bring traffic from social media to blog) or you can do SEO(Search Engine Optimization) where you need to put a lot of effort in order to rank for a specific keyword in search engine.

Since our blog focus is in earning money,if you are starting out with blogging you will find it very hard to make money out of it,since most of ad networks(like AdSense) require lots of UV(UNIQUE VISITOR'S) to your web,before you can proceed with monetizing. 

But how can i make money with blogging than ?

And so,i would like to introduce to you a social media platform where you can make real money with blogging.Its called and its a cryptocurrency platform.Its simple as that you make money by writing,articles.In fact not only articles you can post whatever  you like  e -article,pictures,YouTube video etc (As long are you are following their rules).

The system is simple ,each user has what its called Voting Power,which is their holding of the STEEM cc.Every user has the ability to vote and depending on their voting power their vote will give you any amount of money starting from few cents to hundred of dollars.

I am a regular blogger there myself and my account name is @owyea ,some tips i can give you for startup is to focus on popular tags like news,bitcoin,trading etc.Promote your post in steemit chat,facebook groups ,forum  etc .Also dont overdo it with hashtags,becasue you can easily get downvoted.
Image result for steemit banner
Build your follower base first ,when you start out you don't have follower base so you post wont be seen that much,that's why promoting is the way to go Upvote other people post and they will upvote yours in return.Make new connections,everyone loves a friendly guy,make some friends and they will come to upvote you

To sum up,your income is defined by the amount of upvotes that your article receive.But not everyone will give you the same amount of money.It all depends on the person voting power.The pay per article every 24 hours , and your funds will be transfered to your waller,where you can cash out anytime.

Monday, August 21, 2017

How can i make passive money income with Aliexpress ?

How can i make passive money income with Aliexpress ?

Hey guys in this tutorial we are taking a look on aliexpress,and how we can make money out of it .
This method is one of the fastest and best way's to passive money income you can work with.
I really love affiliate marketing and in my opinion is one of the best way's you can start to make money online , for people who don't know affiliate marketing is the process by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals. In other words you are the bridge between the customer and the seller.If you convince the customer to buy the product you get an % of the product price.

Most of the companies who sell products online offer affiliate marketing.Ebay,Amazon,Aliexpress are making billions of dollars per day from their selling ,and whats more they all offer affiliate marketing,so if you are wanting to take part stick around and read this article.

What is AliExpress Affiliate Program

No,we are not going to talk about aliexpress dropshipping,even though that can make you quite a good amount of money also , we will cover that in another article ;).

Aliexpress is one of the biggest online shops along with Ebay,Amazon and i am going to show you how you can become their partners and take percentage of every single sale you make.

Affiliate program of Aliexpress is mind-blowing.They give you 8.5% of every sale you make with your custom link,but wait there is more.The more sales you generate the more you'll earn,meaning 8.5% its not your fixed commission,more products you sale = more commission which can get up to 50% commission per sale. 

Two main reason why you should start with aliexpress is that : aliexpress offer's free shipping but they will also offer you tons of promotional materials, millions of products in more than 40 categories. 

Aliexpress Affiliate Program is free to join and you can take part in it by clicking here , right now for free.

Making money with affiliate program is easy,you need to find the right audience ,spamming your friends messages with your link will make you no money,so that's why i will share a method to make you good amount of money . 

What is AliPlugin and How it Works?

Aliplugin is basically a plugin,with the main goal to help you earn more from your affiliate link.What it does is that it creates a similar site to white-label Aliexpress.

If you want to read more about this project you can check a demo video in their website. 

People have heard of Aliexpress so when they come across to your website ,they most likely will trust you .This plugin offers tons of features,you can have million of product's(you can import ton of them with a single click),plugin will also import daily,weekly and monthly sales so when people click on the buy now button they will be redirected to aliexpress product page and you will get commission when they buy something,since they are redirected from your link. Even if they buy anything else from Aliexpress you will get commission for that sale too.

About Aliplugin 

The reason why you should you use this plugin is that ,it has everything built-in and whats more important its fully in AUTO-PILOT ,so you can basically schedule products import every day, and plugin will do everything for you, SEO, product import, prices update, daily deals import, everything can be set up to work on AutoPilot.

If you have enough money to invest this plugin can make you UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF MONEY meaning that you can install this plugin in unlimited sites.If you get a little bit creative you can create a different site for different niches,get audience and you will make money in Auto-pilot , so the only thing you need to do is to set-up the site and forget about it.

One more great thing about Aliexpress is that you will get commission for every single country worldwide not just only some specific country like Amazon so you also set this plugin based for your country ;) . 

What will i get from the plugin if i buy it  ? 

  1. Free lifetime license updated from it's developer and you don't need to pay monthly fees.
  2. If you buy this plugin you will get everything set up in less than 20 minutes.
  3. It will also provide you with 5 stunning wordpress themes
This plugin will create your store automatically in 2 minutes, you don’t have to know anything about WordPress, coding or SEO and web development, it’s one click installation and you are ready to make money.


How to choose domain for your AliPlugin Site?

Always chose your domain name,based on your niche.

If you are going to create a site about jewelry,find a domain name like

And you can find niche related domain in LeanDomainSearch, just enter your keyword like "Jewelry" and it will generate names based on your keyword for free.

Based off my experience the best hosting provide is,you can register using this link,they also offer free hosting for one year,so why not give it a try. 

WordPress Installation and AliPlugin installation

After you have finished setting up your hosting,there is one more thing you should do.

Now you have to install Wordpress and AliPlugin on your domain.

If you don't know how to install you can click here and read tutorial about Wordpress installation on this link.

You can also watch full tutorial on how to install AliPlugin on this link.

That is it.If you have any question don't hesitate to contact me on my email or leave a comment down below,share this tutorial with your friends if it helped you :)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to earn bitcoins with

How to earn bitcoins with

How to make money with
You probably must have heard of bitcoin,its the new cool guy in block.It is a new online -currency that you can use it just like real life cash,but for Internet purposes (online shopping,game purchasing etc).

"Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system invented by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. ... Besides being created as a reward for mining, bitcoin can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services in legal or black markets."~ From Wikipedia 

At the moment that i am writing this article , 1 Bitcoin is equal 4100.00 US Dollar,and probably will be doubled when you will be reading this.Here is a link to check the price of bitcoin Click Here.

Ok,but how do i get started?Well you came to the right this tutorial i am going to show you the exact same steps i did when i started out , and if you apply this for yourself its proved that will work for you too...Alright lets get started!

If you are like me when i started out,you must have no money to invest,so you are searching for a way to make easy bitcoins without too much time wasted,well as always you have come to the right article.The website that i used its called  (no,it has nothing to do with army :P).And the way that it works is that they pay users for their content.First you make an account,you post pictures,other people view/like your picture and BOOOM,YOU BANK!!!
Its easy as that,when you set your pictures up,you can tell you friends,your parents,your kids,to open an account and like your picture,YOU CAN MAKE A FUCKING WHOLE AUDIENCE AND EARN MONEY LIKE A BOSS!!!(When you are done with all that don't forget to visit my profile in there and like my pic's lol.

1.First you go to
There you will need to fill your email,username,password or register using one of the social network they provide.
After you have completed all those,click on register.

2.Email Activation
Go to your email,click the link that you find there,you will be redirected to your profile.Now you need to configure Settings.

3.Click on Money(as shown in the picture)
Now in this page you can get information about the way that they pay,but what you need to do is to scroll down till you find User Name

They pay with
You need to create an account on now.

4.Create BitcoinWallet account.

5.Insert your bitcoinwallet username in this page.

Now your basically done,now its all UP TO YOU,how to make money ,how to find people to view/like your picture .
Basically what i did was that i shared those photos in instagram/whatsapp/facebook groups,people open the link and i earn bitcoins.
Another way you can do is to like4like.Go to Explore>>All.In here you can browse all recent pictures uploaded.You open them in new tab,like their picture and wait till they like you back.I did this 15 minutes every day.
You can do anything you like.

Friday, August 18, 2017

9 Websites for Free Stock Images for Affiliate Marketing

9 Websites for Free Stock Images for Affiliate Marketing

In the world of marketing usually images play the most important role.Whether you are doing Facebook ads,email marketing, or some eye-catching presentation you would definitely need a good image to impress your audience .                                                                                                                                                                    Royalty images will cost you a little bit if you are starting out,but if you are searching for free stock photos,you have come to the right article.                                                                                             Below you can find a list of 9 websites exactly for stock images for commercial use.Enjoy reading and don't forget to bookmark.

Free Images for Blogging,Affiliate marketing. - a free image site  where you can have access to three hundred quality stock photos.This web site contain free and premium pictures promoting content from iStock.You can browse their assortment or if you have nice photos that you just would really like to share together with your fellow photographers give it a try !

Pexels - This one is my personal choice , i use Pexels for my facebook banners , when i promote my affiliate ads and the great part is that it's absolutely free under the license of  Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.Currently they have over 30,000 free stock photos ,but they update their site monthly with hand-picked from photos uploaded by users. 

Pixabuy - Free High Quality images with a collection of over one million stocks,vectors and art illustration .You can use pixabuy for social platforms,free use (copy, modify, distribute, and use the images, even for commercial purposes) Also you can find premium images sponsored by Shutterstock.

Pond5 - In here you can not only found photos,but also video ,audio and use it for your desire.Media is growing every second in there . 

In this amazing website you can create your own beautiful maps,infographics and isometric drawings within minutes.Its free and easy,would recommend it you want to promote your local business with great brochures.

Splashbase - Splashbase is a search and disovery website for free & premium stock websites.Discover free photos & videos.

Stokpik - High quality pictures for commercial use under Stokpic License , updated every two weeks with 10 new photos ALL hand picked !

MMT - Use MMT for your website,themes ,templates,projects,print materials,social networks, everything you can imagine for free

Burst - A website provided by Shopify,to give a boost to your next store project.All images are for personal and commercial use and ready to use !

Gratisography  - Free images for blog or any other project you can download high quality pictures in here.

This article has come to an end,i hope you enjoyed it and if you have a website that you would like to see in the list leave it down below in the comments.
